About the education and …
It’s not very easy to be a parent. It’s not very easy to be a parent, a teacher, an instructor. You know everything in theory. But … Theory is different from the practice. Maybe everybody thought sometimes “I never would be like this”, “I would make it different in his shoes”. In the reality all of us realize, that we can make mistakes. When we educate our kids, we often learn how to educate. For us the most important thing is the main direction. We are sure, that we can make mistakes, but we know also that more essential is the way of the mistake’s overcoming. This is the most important lesson in our opinion. This is the learning way. The experiential learning is basically how we deal with the knowledge and the lessons after the made mistakes, the overcome failures, the way of the experienced loss. We believe, that if we give our children the freedom to make their own mistakes, to gain their own experiences, they will become happier, full personality, who knows what they want. In the end we don’t need and want soldiers, screaming “Huraaaa”, don’t we? It’s time to ask ourselves what do we want?
In the end again – we are convinced that the kid who makes free his experiences will have the power to change the world and bring a better future.